BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey-III. An observed link between AGN Eddington ratio and narrow emission line ratios

  • 발행 : 2016.10.12


The ultra hard X-ray band (14-195 keV) provides an important and unbiased way to understand black hole growth and relationship to the host galaxy. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument on the Swift satellite has surveyed sky to unprecedented sensitivity, improving the number of known hard X-ray sources by more than a factor of 20 to 836 nearby AGN. The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS) is a study for the first large (N>600) and complete sample of ultra hard X-ray selected AGN with optical spectroscopy. In this talk, I present the observed relationship between black hole mass, bolometric luminosity, and Eddington ratio with optical emission line ratios. We show that [NII]/Ha ratio exhibits a significant correlation with Eddington ratio. We propose that the [NII]/Ha ratio is a useful indicator of Eddington ratio with 0.6 dex of scatter, and that it can be used to measure Eddington ratio and thus black hole mass from the measured bolometric luminosity, even for high redshift obscured AGN.
