Relationship between solar flares and halo CMEs using stereoscopic observations

  • Published : 2016.04.12


To find the relationship between solar flares and halo CMEs using stereoscopic observations, we investigate 182 flare-associated halo CMEs among 306 front-side halo CMEs from 2009 to 2013. We have determined the 3D parameters (radial speed and angular width) of these CMEs by applying StereoCAT to multi-spacecraft data (SOHO and STEREO). For this work, we use flare parameters (peak flux and fluence) taken from GOES X-ray flare list and 2D CME parameters (projected speed, apparent angular width, and kinetic energy) taken from CDAW SOHO LASCO CME catalog. Major results from this study are as follows. First, the relationship between flare peak flux (or fluence) and CME speed is almost same for both 2D and 3D cases. Second, there is a possible correlation between flare fluence and CME width, which is more evident in 3D case than 2D one. Third, the flare fluence is well correlated with CME kinetic energy (CC=0.63). Fourth, there is an upper limit of CME kinetic energy for a given flare fluence (or peak flux). For example, a possible CME kinetic energy ranges from 1030.6 to 1033 erg for a given X1.0 class flare. Our results will be discussed in view of the physical mechanism of solar eruptions.
