한국진공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference)
- 한국진공학회 2016년도 제50회 동계 정기학술대회 초록집
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- Pages.99.1-99.1
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- 2016
Nanocomposites for microelectronic packaging
The materials for an electronic packaging provide diverse important functions including electrical contact to transfer signals from devices, isolation to protect from the environment and a path for heat conduction away from the devices. The packaging materials composed of metals, ceramics, polymers or combinations are crucial to the device operating properly and reliably. The demand of effective charge and heat transfer continuous to be challenge for the high-speed and high-power devices. Nanomaterials including graphene, carbon nanotube and boron nitride, have been designed for the purpose of exploiting the high thermal, electrical and mechanical properties by combining in the matrix of metal or polymer. In addition, considering the inherent electrical and surface properties of graphene, it is expected that graphene would be a good candidate for the surface layer of a template in the electroforming process. In this talk, I will present recent our on-going works in nanomaterials for microelectronic packaging: 1) porous graphene/Cu for heat dissipations, 2) carbon-metal composites for interconnects and 3) nanomaterials-epoxy composites as a thermal interface materials for electronic packaging.