Big Data Analytics Applied to the Construction Site Accident Factor Analysis

  • 발행 : 2015.10.11


Recently, safety accidents in construction sites are increasing. Accordingly, in this study, development of 'Big-Data Analysis Modeling' can collect articles from last 10 years which came from the Internet News and draw the cause of accidents that happening per season. In order to apply this study, Web Crawling Modeling that can collect 98% of desired information from the internet by using 'Xml', 'tm', "Rcurl' from the library of R, a statistical analysis program has been developed, and Datamining Model, which can draw useful information by using 'Principal Component Analysis' on the result of Work Frequency of 'Textmining.' Through Web Crawling Modeling, 7,384 out of 7,534 Internet News articles that have been posted from the past 10 years regarding "safety Accidents in construction sites", and recognized the characteristics of safety accidents that happening per season. The result showed that accidents caused by abnormal temperature and localized heavy rain, occurred frequently in spring and winter, and accidents caused by violation of safety regulations and breakdown of structures occurred frequently in spring and fall. Plus, the fact that accidents happening from collision of heavy equipment happens constantly every season was acknowledgeable. The result, which has been obtained from "Big-Data Analysis Modeling" corresponds with prior studies. Thus, the study is reliable and able to be applied to not only construction sites but also in the overall industry.



This research was supported by a grant (Grant No. 14SCIP-C085304-01) from Construction Technology Research Program funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation of the Korean Government.