Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2015.07a
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- Pages.300-301
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- 2015
Short-term Electric Load Forecasting using temperature data in Summer Season
기온데이터를 이용한 하계 단기 전력수요예측
- Koo, Bon-gil (Pusan National University) ;
- Lee, Heung-Seok (Pusan National University) ;
- Lee, Sang-wook (Pusan National University) ;
- Lee, Hwa-Seok (Dong-eui Institute of Science Technology) ;
Park, Juneho
(Pusan National University)
- Published : 2015.07.15
Accurate and robust load forecasting model plays very important role in power system operation. In case of short-term electric load forecasting, its results offer standard to decide a price of electricity and also can be used shaving peak. For this reason, various models have been developed to improve accuracy of load forecasting. This paper proposes a newly forecasting model for weather sensitive season including temperature and Cooling Degree Hour(C.D.H) data as an input. This Forecasting model consists of previous electric load and preprocessed temperature, constant, parameter. It optimizes load forecasting model to fit actual load by PSO and results are compared to Holt-Winters and Artificial Neural Network. Proposing method shows better performance than comparison groups.