The evolution of Magnetic fields in IntraClusterMedium

  • Park, Kiwan (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UNIST) ;
  • Ryu, Dongsu (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UNIST) ;
  • Cho, Jungyeon (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy and Space Science, CNNU)
  • Published : 2015.04.10


IntraCluster Medium (ICM) located at the galaxy cluster is in the state of very hot, tenuous, magnetized, and highly ionized X-ray emitting plasmas. High temperature and low density make ICM very viscous and conductive. In addition to the high conductivity, fluctuating random plasma motions in ICM, occurring at all evolution stages, generate and amplify the magnetic fields in such viscous ionized gas. The amplified magnetic fields in reverse drive and constrain the plasma motions beyond the viscous scale through the magnetic tension. Moreover, without the influence of resistivity viscous damping effect gets balanced only with the magnetic tension in the extended viscous scale leading to peculiar ICM energy spectra. This overall collisionless magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in ICM was simulated using a hyper diffusivity method. The results show the plasma motions and frozen magnetic fields have power law of $E_V^k{\sim}k^{-3}$, $E_M^k{\sim}k^{-1}$. To explain these abnormal power spectra we set up two simultaneous differential equations for the kinetic and magnetic energy using an Eddy Damped Quasi Normal Markovianized (EDQNM) approximation. The solutions and dimensions of leading terms in the coupled equations derive the power spectra and tell us how the spectra are formed. We also derived the same results with a more intuitive balance relation and stationary energy transport rate.
