Three-dimensional evolution of a solar magnetic field that emerges, organizes and produces a flare and flare-associated eruptions of a flux rope and plasmoid

  • 발행 : 2015.04.10


Solar flare is one of the energetic phenomena observed on the Sun, and it is often accompanied with eruptions such as global-scale eruption of a flux rope (filament/prominence eruption) and small-scale eruption of a plasmoid. A flare itself is a dissipative phenomenon where accumulated electric current representing free magnetic energy is dissipated quickly at a special location called a current sheet formed in a generally highly conductive solar corona. Previous studies have demonstrated how a solar magnetic field placed on the Sun forms a current sheet when magnetic shear is added to the field. Our study is focused on a self-consistent process of how a subsurface magnetic field emerges into the solar atmosphere and forms a current sheet in the corona. This study also gives light to a relation among a flare and two types of flare-associated eruptions; flux-rope eruption and plasmoid eruption.
