Empirical Study of Multimodal Transport Route Choice Model in Freight Transport between Korea and Mongolia

  • Published : 2015.10.21


According to globalization of world economy on distribution and sales, logistics and transportation parts are play important role. Especially, it important to know and study how to choose right transport route and which is the key factor of route choice model in multimodal transport system. Thus this study aims to consider 4 main factors: cost, delivery time, freight, and logistics service factors additionally dividing into 13 sub factors and object is forwarders between Mongolia and Korean freight transport. The survey is based on AHP through interview with company officials. The paper provides empirical insights about current status of Mongolian forwarders and difference of the important factors between transportation modes. Result shows that time factor is role factor to choose transport route and then cost factors. Additionally, this study shows 2 different route choose factors between air transport and shipping transport forwarders.
