P018 Comparison between Cutoff Probe and Langmuir Probe: Focused on Measurement Technique Error

  • 발행 : 2014.02.10


Precise measurement of plasma parameters including density and temperature is the most essential part for understanding plasma characteristics. To persue more accurate measurement, it is very important to understand the intrinsic error of the measurement method. In this paper, we performed the plasma measurement with different method; langmuire probe and cutoff probe. Both measurement technology are known to be exactly correlate with etch other. We conducted the four set of same experiments process by diffrent persons to observe the intrinsic error based on measurement tools. As a result, the cutoff probe is relatively reliable then the Langmuir probe. This difference is analyzed to be intrinsic since it cames from the inevitable error such as manufacturing of probe tip. From this study, we sure that it is good decision to choose cutoff probe as repeatable measurement independent with intrinsic human factor.
