Photoinduced Chemical Linking of Difluoride Molecules with Graphene

  • 발행 : 2014.02.10


Many efforts have been devoted on chemical modification of graphene layer to modulate its electrical properties. In the previous report, laser irradiation on the CYTOP(perfluoropolymer) doped graphene layer induces chemical modification of it, resulting in the insulating I-V characteristics. While the results strongly denoted C-F bond formation after irradiation, the detailed process of photo-induced chemical change is not known yet. To probe this, we utilized synchrotron based SPEM (scanning photoelectron emission spectroscopy) in NSRRC, Taiwan. We irradiate the sample by photon of 614 eV in a stepwise manner as a function of time. As photon irradiation increased, difluoride moieties in the CYTOP was broken, and then formed mono-fluoride with carbon atoms consisting graphene layer.
