SPM 모터의 극과 슬롯수 변화에 따른 전자기 가진력 특성 연구

Magnetic Excitation Force of a Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet Motor due to Pole/Slot combination

  • 송정용 (한양대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 김도연 (한양대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 장건희 (한양대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.04.24


This paper investigates the magnetic excitation force of a surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) motor according to the change of pole/slot combination. The characteristics of magnetic flux and radial magnetic force (RMF) due to pole/slot combination were analyzed by using magnetic circuit analysis. Also, the RMF of motors with the variable pole/slot combination was numerically simulated by using the finite element analysis to verify the result of the magnetic circuit analysis. This research shows that RMF ripple is reduced when the number of pole is smaller than the number of slot.
