A Stochastic Simulation Model for Estimating Activity Duration of Super-tall Building Project

  • Minhyuk Jung (Department of Architecture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hyun-soo Lea (Department of Architecture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Moonseo Park (Department of Architecture, Seoul National University ) ;
  • Bogyeong Lee (Department of Architecture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2013.01.09


In super-tall building construction projects, schedule risk factors which vertically change and are not found in the low and middle-rise building construction influence duration of a project by vertical attribute; and it makes hard to estimate activity or overall duration of a construction project. However, the existing duration estimating methods, that are based on quantity and productivity assuming activities of the same work item have the same risk and duration regardless of operation space, are not able to consider the schedule risk factors which change by the altitude of operation space. Therefore, in order to advance accuracy of duration estimation of super-tall building projects, the degree of changes of these risk factors according to altitude should be analyzed and incorporated into a duration estimating method. This research proposes a simulation model using Monte Carlo method for estimating activity duration incorporating schedule risk factors by weather conditions in a super-tall building. The research process is as follows. Firstly, the schedule risk factors in super-tall building are identified through literature and expert reviews, and occurrence of non-working days at high altitude by weather condition is identified as one of the critical schedule risk factors. Secondly, a calculating method of the vertical distributions of the weather factors such as temperature and wind speed is analyzed through literature reviews. Then, a probability distribution of the weather factors is developed using the weather database of the past decade. Thirdly, a simulation model and algorithms for estimating non-working days and duration of each activity is developed using Monte-Carlo method. Finally, sensitivity analysis and a case study are carried out for the validation of the proposed model.



This research was supported by a grant (code #09 R&D A01) from Super-Tall Building R&D Project funded by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Mari-time Affairs of Korean government. This research was supported by a grant (code # 12TRPI-C064106-01) R&D Project funded by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of Korean government.