Solar and Heliospheric 1.3-year Signals during 1970-2007

  • 발행 : 2013.10.08


We revisit the 1.3-year (yr) signals observed on the Sun, in the interplanetary space, and in the Earth's magnetosphere to study the coupling among signals from the three regions for about forty years (1970--2007) covering three solar cycles 21, 22, and 23. For this, we make dynamic spectra of datasets including three different regions. From this, we estimate the peak frequency around 1.3 yr for each region and the corresponding band power. We found that coherent power only appears during 1987-1995 and the coherent behavior is found only in the interplanetary space and Earth, not in the Sun. Although the solar surface magnetic field shows significant power around 1.3 yr, their peak frequencies are statistically different from those of the outer regions, which make us to dismiss the existence of coherence among the three regions. But it is notable that the peaks in band power corresponding to the 1.3-yr period are clearly simultaneous in the interplanetary space and Earth.
