Fast Scene Change Detection Algorithm

  • 발행 : 2012.11.03


In this paper, we propose a new fast algorithm for effective scene change detection. The proposed algorithm exploits Otsu threshold matching technique, which was proposed earlier. In this method, the current and the reference frames are divided into square blocks of particular size. After doing so, the pixel histogram of each block is generated. According to Otsu method, every histogram distribution is assumed to be bimodal, i.e. pixel distribution can be divided into two groups, based on within-group variance value. The pixel value that minimizes the within-group variance is said to be Otsu threshold. After Otsu threshold is found, the same procedure is performed at the reference frame. If the difference between Otsu threshold of a block in the current frame and co-located block in the reference frame is larger than predefined threshold, then a scene change between those two blocks is detected.
