원전 건설공사를 위한 공급망관리체계 적용방안에 대한 기초연구

A Fundamental Research for Adaptation Method of SCM in Korean Nuclear Power Plant Construction

  • 발행 : 2012.11.16


The supply chain in plant construction project can be defined as a network combined between elements which is engineering, procurement, construction, start-up. For successfully leading construction project, close relation and mutual cooperation should be preceded and Supply Chain Management(SCM) system is needed to improve the relation. In particular, because safety is a top priority for the companies work in the construction of Nuclear Power Plant(NPP), it is necessary to control all parties realated with NPP construction systematically. In this situation, it is important to purchase high-quality equipment in timely manner by developing Integrated cooperative systems. Therefore, this study aimed to propose developing solutions of SCM such as JIT and Envelop Design system, which can reduces difficulties of decision making between the parties involved in the project and will increase the efficiency of the engineering process in NPP.
