On the origin of post-merger features in galaxy clusters

  • 발행 : 2012.10.17


Sheen et al. 2012 reported a high fraction of galaxies with post-merger features in clusters. The fraction is much higher than what analytic calculation predicts based on the fact that subhalos inside galaxy clusters have high relative velocities. In this study, we aim to address the origin of the post-merger features and to draw an implication for the assembly history of the cluster galaxies. We have performed high-resolution hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations on a cluster of ~1015M using the publicly available Adaptive Mesh Refinements (AMR) code, RAMSES. From the simulations, we have constructed mock images of cluster galaxies taking into account age, metallicity, mass of stellar populations and extinction. The mock images enable us to directly compare the simulation result with deep observation data of cluster galaxies. We discuss possible scenarios for the origin of the post-merger features. We also discuss caveats and future perspectives from the study.
