WALLABY - the ASKAP HI All-Sky Survey

  • Oh, Se-Heon (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), The University of Western Australia)
  • Published : 2012.10.17


The "Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY" (WALLABY) is an extragalactic HI survey which aims to examine HI properties and large-scale distribution of ~500,000 galaxies out to z ~ 0.27, covering a wide range of science goals associated with galaxy formation and evolution (P.I.: B. Koribalski & L. Staveley-Smith). The combination of ASKAP's exquisite column density sensitivity and a large primary beam will make it possible to systematically investigate the rarely explored low column-density HI in the universe. Ultimately, the largest and most homogeneous data set from WALLABY will drastically improve and broaden our knowledge on galaxy formation and evolution. ASKAP will be on-line in 2013, so to ensure timely and efficient reduction and analysis of the large WALLABY data set, we have been developing and testing reliable source finding tools and data analysis pipelines. In this talk I present recent progress of WALLABY, especially on the kinematic parameterisation pipeline for the spatially resolved galaxies detected by WALLABY.
