The extended narrow-line region kinematics of 3 Type-2 QSOs revealed by the VLTVIMOS IFU spectra

  • Cho, Hojin (Seoul National University) ;
  • Woo, Jonghak (Seoul National University) ;
  • Bennert, Vardha N. (California Polytechnic State University)
  • Published : 2012.10.17


We present kinematic properties of the narrow-line region in three type-2 QSOs at z~0.35, using 2-D spectra obtained with the VIMOS integral field unit spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. One of the objects shows a line-of-sight velocity shift of the [OIII] and $H{\beta}$ lines up to 40km/s on a 15 kpc scale, which can be interpreted as either outflow or rotation. The outflow scenario is supported by the presence of blue wings and a radio structure showing lobes in the same direction. Another object features double-peaked emission lines which can be decomposed into two velocity components. Its Hubble Space Telescope image shows two nuclei separated by ~0.2"(~1kpc), implying this may be a binary AGN.
