A study of solitary wave trains generated by an injection of a blob into plasmas

  • 발행 : 2012.04.03


In this study, we investigated the generation of consecutive electrostatic solitary waves (ESWs) using by one-dimensional electrostatic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. For a given Gaussian perturbation, it is found that electron two-stream instability occurs in local grids region. Thus because of this instability, the electrostatic potential grows rapidly so as to be separated into electron and ion in perturbation region, and then electrons are trapped with heating during growing instability. It is found that these heated and trapped electrons are caused the generation of ESW, and ions are reflected backward and forward at the boundary of the initial perturbation, then form cold ion beam whereas electrons are confined to inside of the potential. Furthermore backward reflected ion beam forms ion holes by ion two-stream instability. On the other hand, as the confined electrons are released, and then released electrons also form hot electron beam, which play an important role in the generation of consecutive ESWs such as broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) observed frequently in space environment. Therefore the reason of the generation of consecutive ESWs is the existence of heated electrons which can sufficiently support energy to produce ESWs.
