Disk-Resolved Optical Spectra of Near-Earth Asteroid 25143 Itokawa with Hayabusa/AMICA observations

  • 발행 : 2012.04.03


The Hayabusa mission successfully rendezvoused with its target asteroid 25143 Itokawa in 2005 and brought the asteroidal sample to the Earth in 2009. This mission enabled to connect the S-type asteroids to ordinary chondrites, the counterpart meteorites which exist in near Earth orbit. Recent finding of a fragment from 25143 Itokawa [1] suggested that the asteroid experienced an impact after the injection to the near-Earth orbit. In this presentation, we investigated the evidence of the recent impact on 25143 Itokawa using the onboard camera, AMICA. AMICA took more than 1400 images of Itokawa during the rendezvous phase. It is reported that AMICA images are highly contaminated by lights scattered inside the optics in the longer wavelength. We developed a technique to subtract the scattered light by determining the point spread functions for all available channels. As the result, we first succeeded in the determination of the surface spectra in all available bands. We consider a most fresh-looking compact crater, Kamoi, is a possible impact site.
