A Visualization System of Brain MR image based on VTK

  • Du, Ruoyu (Division of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Hyo Jong (Division of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2012.04.26


VTK is a free but professional development platform for images three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and processing. It is powerful, open-source, and users can customize their own needs by self-development of great flexibility. To give the doctors more and detailed information by simulate dissection to the 3-D brain MRI image after reconstruction. A Visualization System (VS) is proposed to achieve 3D brain reconstruction and virtual dissection functions. Based on the free VTK visualization development platform and Visual Studio 2010 IDE development tools, through C++ language, using real people's MRI brain dataset, we realized the images 3D reconstruction and also its applications and extensions correspondingly. The display effect of the reconstructed 3D image is well and intuitive. With the related operations such as measurement, virtual dissection and so on, the good results we desired could be achieved.
