국내 철도분야 탄소배출권 확보방안 연구

A Study on Carbon Emission Credit Acquisition in Domestic Railroad Sector

  • 발행 : 2011.10.20


It is expected that domestic railway vehicle operation companies may be subjected to GHG emission reduction when GHG emission system is enforced. This study aimed that reviewing on GHG emission system such as CDM, VCS and KCER, and analysing availability of GHG emission credit acquisition for railroad transportation sector. In order to estimate GHG emission credit, a GHG emission estimation methodology should be developed, which includes GHG emission baseline estimation and GHG emission monitoring method, MRV method and etc. Modal shift project, high speed train technology, straight lining project, mass transportation technology, operation optimization tehcnology and etc. may produce GHG emission credit.
