철도구조물에 대한 세라믹 인서트 및 앵커의 적용 방안 연구

A Study on Ceramic Insert and Anchor Application for Railway Structures

  • 발행 : 2011.10.20


Ceramic insert and anchor has many advantages compared with existing steel products, therefor widely applied for concrete bridge, tunnel, railroad and building etc. in Japan. Ceramic insert and anchor start-to-used in Korea is no longer, but the product has already been applied to various construction sites and have been recognized for excellence. But now in Korea, the ceramic insert and anchor are not yet widely use like in Japan. This paper was an introduction to the ceramic insert and anchor, and detailed explained the product excellent performance. Ceramic insert and anchor can be applied to many areas, but in this case the focus was the application of ceramic insert and anchor for railway structures. In this paper we detailed compared the ceramic products with existing steel products in their respective characteristic, and analyzed on their application in domestic and foreign.
