IEC 61850과 IEC 61970을 표준으로 하는 전철변전소 종합자동화 모델에 관한 연구

A Study on the Model of A Electric Railway Substation Automation Based on IEC 61850 and IEC 61970

  • 고중구 (서울과학기술대학교, 철도전문대학원, 철도전기신호공학과) ;
  • 장우진 (서울과학기술대학교, 전기공학과) ;
  • 최규형 (서울과학기술대학교, 철도전문대학원, 철도전기신호공학과)
  • 발행 : 2011.10.20


The substation automation is a system to remote-monitor and control electric power flow. And in line with electrification of railway, an interest in electric railway substation automation is increasing. IEC standardized IEC 61850, IEC 61968 and IEC 61970 communication protocol for the telecommunication standardization of the electric power automation industry. The recent SCADA systems in managed electric railway substations are have the problem about the compatibility with the products which fit to the international standard specification afterward. In this paper, the model of electric railway substation automation based on IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 is presented. And the method supporting the compatibility between the equipment is proposed.
