현장 연속화 기법을 통한 철도판형교의 동적성능향상

Dynamic Performance Enhancement of the Railway Plate Girder Bridge using the In-site Continuous Method

  • 발행 : 2011.10.20


In-site Continuous Method to improve the dynamic performance of railway plater girder bridge was developed. In this study, the In-site Continuous Method in the existing railway plate girder bridge was applied. Comparison of the results obtained from the field experiment were presented. The reductions in vertical acceleration were shown to approximately 24.8%, 45.4% and 27.5% in case of the freight train, passenger train and express tilting train, respectively. The reductions of lateral acceleration were shown to approx. 31%, 39% and 15% in the previous case. In the vertical displacement, the reductions were shown to approx. 20%, 13% and 12.6%, respectively. Through this method, we expect the problem of the restriction in speed up of train to be solve.
