A Study on Application of the Building Energy Management System(BEMS) for Korean Small or Medium Buildings

국내 중소규모 건축물의 에너지관리시스템 적용방안에 관한 연구

  • 변정윤 (한양대학교 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 김주형 (한양대학교 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 김재준 (한양대학교 건축환경공학과)
  • Published : 2011.11.18


Recently there are many efforts for saving energy in building. therefore Building energy management systems(BEMS) are expected to a reduction energy cost. BEMS has many benefits which could switch plant on and off automatically. Also It optimize plan operation and services, monitor plant status and environmental conditions and to provide energy analysis and management information. In these days, many public buildings are applied BEMS but there are few studies about application of small or medium buildings. Therefore, in this study, we will find how to apply BEMS in small or medium buildings.
