A Preliminary Study of the evaluating and improving WLCM for construction project based on BIM

BIM기반 프로젝트의 WLCM (Whole Life-Cycle Management) 적용모델 개발을 위한 기초연구

  • 이근호 (창원대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 임형철 (창원대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2011.11.18


The main purpose of this research is to propose standardization of construction components design with BIM and to develop WLCM Framework and Application System for supply chain management on interaction of stakeholders based on proposed standard component. To accomplish main purpose of this research, we planned three years period, in first year, we will develop model for building lifecycle based on BIM, and this model can give the chance of collaboration with stakeholders of building project. In second year, we will develop WLCM system with model, and to improve performance of application model/system. This study can contribute on reduction of whole lifecycle cost, with preventing omission of factors on cost reduction possibility, develop concurrent engineering framework for construction stakeholders with proposed BIM.
