하이브리드 자동차용 IPMSM에 적용할 위치센서리스 제어기법 비교

IPMSM Position Sensorless Control Method Comparison for Hybrid Vechicle

  • 발행 : 2010.11.26


This paper results from the application of IPM for hybrid vehicles using Matsui method and Extended EMF mothed. These 2 methods are typical methods based on EMF, which is usually used in position sensorless control. When d-axle current was 0, both Matsui method and Extended EMF method showed desirable results. On the other hand, when d-axle current was not 0, only Extended EMF appeared satisfactory. This means that Matsui method is more vulnerable to parameter variation. Thus, Extended EMF method would be better than Matsui method to be used in field weaking or MTPA control.
