A Study on Isolated Buck-Boost Converter by Discontinuous Conduction Mode

전류불연속 모드 절연형 벅-부스트 컨버터에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2010.11.26


In this paper, authors propose a new buck-boost converter of discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) added electric isolation. The proposed converter with DCM eliminates the complicated circuit control requirement and reduces the size of components. The general converters of high efficiency are made that the power loss of the used switching devices is minimized. To achieve the soft switching operation of the used control switches, the proposed converter uses a lossless snubber capacitor. The proposed converter achieves the soft-switching for all switching devices without increasing their voltage and current stresses. The result is that the switching loss is very low and the efficiency of converter is high. The soft switching operation of the proposed converter is verified by digital simulation and experimental results.
