The development of LCC evaluation tool on Excel Base

엑셀 기반의 LCC 평가도구 개발

  • Published : 2010.06.10


LCC can be defined as "the sum of present values of investment costs, capital costs, installation costs, energy costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and disposal costs over the life-time of the project, product, or measure." LCCA involves estimating the costs and timing associated with each alternative over a selected analysis period and conversion of those costs to economically comparable values considering the time-value of money. The several Excel-Based LCC tools found on the internet are described in this paper. Also, This paper performed an analysis of the existing LCC commercial tools, assessing various aspects of each program. The goal was to evaluate the best features of each tool and to identify the requirements for LCC evaluation of Urban Transit Vehicle. The LCC tools are developed to address problems in many different areas and a tool developed and structured for one area cannot generally be used in another area. No general LCC tool exists and if one is needed for Urban Transit Vehicle it has to be developed by the project. Since a full LCC can be very complex it is likely that this Excel-Based LCC tool should be a small and simple tool for quick cost estimates. This paper presents a LCC tool consisting of eight excel sheets, which are "Project", "CBS", "PBS", "PM", "CM", "Others", "LCC Result" and "Diagram".
