STSAT-3 Main Payload, MIRIS Flight Model Developments

  • 발행 : 2010.04.06


The Main payload of the STSAT-3 (Korea Science & Technology Satellite-3), MIRIS (Multipurpose Infra-Red Imaging System) has been developed for last 3 years by KASI, and its Flight Model (FM) is now being developed as the final stage. All optical lenses and the opto-mechanical components of the FM have been completely fabricated with slight modifications that have been made to some components based on the Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) performances. The components of the telescope have been assembled and the test results show its optical performances are acceptable for required specifications in visual wavelength (@633 nm) at room temperature. The ensuing focal plane integration and focus test will be made soon using the vacuum chamber. The MIRIS mechanical structure of the EQM has been modified to develop FM according to the performance and environment test results. The filter-wheel module in the cryostat was newly designed with Finite Element Analysis (FEM) in order to compensate for the vibration stress in the launching conditions. Surface finishing of all components were also modified to implement the thermal model for the passive cooling technique. The FM electronics design has been completed for final fabrication process. Some minor modifications of the electronics boards were made based on EQM test performances. The ground calibration tests of MIRIS FM will be made with the science grade Teledyne PICNIC IR-array.
