Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference (한국데이타베이스학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2010.06a
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- Pages.277-287
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- 2010
사회네트워크에서 잠재된 신뢰관계망 추론을 위한 ANFIS 모형
We are sometimes interacting with people who we know nothing and facing with the difficult task of making decisions involving risk in social network. To reduce risk, the topic of building Web of trust is receiving considerable attention in social network. The easiest approach to build Web of trust will be to ask users to represent level of trust explicitly toward another users. However, there exists sparsity issue in Web of trust which is represented explicitly by users as well as it is difficult to urge users to express their level of trustworthiness. We propose a fuzzy-based inference model for Web of trust using user behavior information in social network. According to the experiment result which is applied in, the proposed model show improved connectivity in resulting Web of trust as well as reduced prediction error of trustworthiness compared to existing computational model.