Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference (한국데이타베이스학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2010.06a
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- Pages.203-212
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- 2010
전자상거래 환경에서 지각된 위험이 지각된 가치 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
- Published : 2010.06.05
The mam purpose of this study is to find out how perceived risk elements influence to customers' perceived value and repurchase intention in the electronic commerce environment. To achieve the goal, we set 6 sub-dimensions - privacy risk, social risk, time loss risk, economic risk, psychological risk, and performance risk - based on comprehensive consideration of related studies, and established a research model included 2 factors such as perceived value and repurchase intention to measure performance in internet shopping malls. From 174 customers of the electronic commerce shopping malls survey data have been collected and analyzed based on the covariance structural model method. The results of this study are summarized as follows. Firstly, five perceived risk characteristics of privacy risk, time loss risk, economic risk, psychological risk, and performance risk are significantly positive effect on perceived value. Secondly, perceived value IS very significantly related to repurchase intention in electronic commerce shopping malls. Consequently, we discussed the strategies to create perceived value and repurchase intention in electronic commerce environment. Also we suggested the implications and further research directions.