Examination of Factors Influencing Urban Higher Temperature using E-GIS DB
E-GIS DB를 활용한 도시 고온화 영향인자 검토
- Kim, Keum-Ji (Dept. of Architecture, Pusan National University) ;
- Yoko, Kamata (Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Pusan National University) ;
Lee, Jung-Jae
(Faculty of Architectural Design and Engineering, Dong-a University) ;
- Yoon, Seong-Hwan (School of Architecture, Pusan National University)
- Published : 2009.11.19
In this study, we performed urrban climate simulation how both the factor of environmental land and artificial factors influence on the formation of urban temperature. With deducing quantitative data, this study could get more accurate results of the urban temperature using urban climate simulation system. In the case of natural land cover, it appeared that there are effects on the lowering temperature and the lower temperature rate appeared in the water land cover on the whole. This is considered as temperature in water land was low because of the characteristics of water land having evaporation latent heat was high and convective sensible heat was low. In case of building which has building coverage ratio, 5% with 10 floors and building coverage ratio, 15 % with 6 floors, it appears that the temperature in the water land is