Air Bulging을 이용한 열간 알루미늄 성형에 관한 연구

Study on Al Hot Forming using Air Bulging

  • 발행 : 2009.05.07


The benefits of hydroforming technology are known as weight and cost savings through part consolidation and reduced post-forming processes such as welding and piercing. Hydroforming technology has some weaknesses in terms of process cycle times. But, as the hydraulic system and process designs are continuously developed, the cycle time is also reduced to acceptable and competitive levels. Hot air bulging is one of recently developed hydroforming techniques. Hot air bulging in order to further extend the forming degrees of Al lightweight material is investigated. A heated tube is placed in a heated die and sealed at the ends by sealing cylinders. The tube is subsequently expanded against the die cavity wall by internal pressure provided by air medium. The result of this study shows that axial feeding speed and air pressure have an effect on formability of Al air bulging at elevated temperature.
