Origin of the Multiple Type II Solar Radio Bursts Observed on December 31 2007

  • 발행 : 2009.10.15


Solar type II radio burst is regarded as a signature of coronal shock. However its association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs)-driven shock and/or flare blast waves remains controversial. On December 31 2007, SOHO/LASCO and STEREO/COR observed a CME that occurred on the east limb of the Sun. Meanwhile, two type II bursts were observed sequently by KASI/E-Callisto and the Culgoora radio observatory during the CME apparence time. In this study, we estimate kinematics of the two coronal shocks from dynamic spectrum of the multiple type II bursts and compare with the kinematics of the CME derived from the space observations. An origin of the multiple type II bursts is inspected and discussed briefly.
