Origin of Dark-Energy and Accelerating Universe

  • 발행 : 2009.10.15


After SNIa and WMAP observations during the last decade, the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe is a major challenge to particle physics and cosmology. There are currently three candidates for the dark energy which results in this accelerated expansion: $\cdot$ a non-zero cosmological constant, $\cdot$ a dynamical cosmological constant (quintessence scalar field), $\cdot$ modifications of Einstein's theory of gravity. The scalar field model like quintessence is a simple model with time-dependent w, which is generally larger than -w1. Because the different w lead to a different expansion history of the universe, the geometrical measurements of cosmic expansion through observations of SNIa, CMB and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) can give us tight constraints on w. One of the interesting ways to study the scalar field dark-energy models is to investigate the coupling between the dark energy and the other matter fields. In fact, a number of models which realize the interaction between dark energy and dark matter, or even visible matter, have been proposed so far. Observations of the effects of these interactions will offer an unique opportunity to detect a cosmological scalar field. In this talk, after briefly reviewing the main idea of the three possible candidates for dark energy and their cosmological phenomena, we discuss the interactinng dark-energy model, paying particular attention to the interacting mechanism between dark energy with a hot dark matter (neutrinos). In this so-called mass-varying neutrino (MVN) model, we calculate explicitly the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and large-scale structure (LSS) within cosmological perturbation theory. The evolution of the mass of neutrinos is determined by the quintessence scalar field, which is responsible for the cosmic acceleration today.
