Extracting OWL Ontology from XML instances via XML Schema

  • Published : 2009.11.13


Currently, XML and its schema language have become the standard for data representation and information exchange format on the current web. Unfortunately, problems happen when integrating different data sources since XML mainly supports the document structure but lack consideration on sharing knowledge of data. Meanwhile, Semantic Web technologies, such as Web Ontology Language (OWL), can include the structure as well as the semantics of the data. Therefore, finding a way to integrate XML data as OWL ontology receives a high interest nowadays. In this paper we present a mapping notation to convert XML Schema to OWL domain knowledge and an effective method to transform XML instances into OWL individuals. While keeping the XML original structure, our work also adds more semantics for the XML document. Moreover, whole of the transformation processes are done automatically without any user interference. Further, our transforming approach provides the solution for duplicate element names in XML document which has not mentioned in the previous work. Our results in existing OWL syntaxes can be loaded immediately by OWL editors and Semantic Web applications.
