Removable 3D Object For Mobile Phone Based on J2ME

  • Lee, Song-Won (Department of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University) ;
  • Hong, Sung-Soo (Department of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University) ;
  • Kim, Seok-Dong (Department of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.23


The informatization of Korea is accompanied by the great growth of new strategic export industry, as of mobile phone or semiconductor LCD. Speaking to the situation of mobile phone, Motorola swept over the American domestic market in the beginning of 1990s, digital mobile communication as CDMA developed swiftly in Korea. In 1996, the first year's CDMA users of Samsung were merely one million, nevertheless, the world's sales in the first half of this year is up to 92 million. In this p aper I design 3D application based on J2ME and implement a freely removable 3D object which happened in a 3D scen e by receiving the keyboard response of mobile device with WTK (Wireless ToolKit) simulator. It contains benefits of improvement of relative speed and high-level functionality such as scene graph, keyframe animation, etc.
