Application of Wireless Measurement System for Safety Management of Temporary Substructures

가설공사 안전관리를 위한 무선계측 시스템 적용

  • 인치훈 (연세대학교 건축공학과 첨단구조연구실) ;
  • 임홍철 (연세대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 이근우 (경복대학교 건축과)
  • Published : 2009.05.23


This study deals with the application of USN wireless inclinometer sensor for earth retaining structure safety measurement, The application of wireless inclinometer sensor has great advantage about real-time monitoring of earth retaining structure, It allows a construction manager to monitor movement data from anywhere connected through internet during the process of excavation for substructures of buildings, To validate the applicability of the wireless inclinometer sensor. laboratory and field tests have been performed, The results have shown that the measured values of wireless inclinometer sensor represent the behavior of H-pile well, Both convenience of sensor installation and real-time monitoring of earth retaining structure are confirmed, The proposed wireless measurement system provides a good basis for exact measurement of temporary substructures, More measurements and application are expected for the other excavation sites with various conditions.
