철도차량 외부소음 예측을 위한 음원모델에 관한 고찰

Investigation of Source Modelling for External Noise Prediction of Railway Vehicles

  • 김종년 (현대로템(주) 기술연구소 응용기술연구팀)
  • 발행 : 2009.05.21


For external noise prediction of railway vehicles, sophisticated individual source modelling as well as appropriate noise propagation model from the sources is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the predicted results and contributions of each equipment to the overall noise levels. Accurate and reasonable identification procedures of sound sources of equipment including source strength, directivity and positions installed in the train play an important role in a prediction model, since it is not easy to establish a simple model for the sources with a single rule due to the complexity of source characteristics of equipment in size and directivity pattern. This paper guidelines practical considerations for identification of noise sources in railway vehicles including typical source characteristics of several sub-systems that emits noise to the environment, particularly for electric multiple unit(EMU), and verify effectiveness of assumptions used in the modelling of equipment by measurement with a simple part. The predicted external noise level of a complete train using Exnoise, which was developed by Hyundai-Rotem and has been verified in the a lot of field-tests, incorporating source modelling considered in this paper shows close correlation with the measured ones.
