커퓨니티 컴퓨팅 환경에서 자원 관리 서비스를 이용한 그룹 상호 배제 알고리즘

Group Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Using RMS in Community Computing Environments

  • 발행 : 2009.05.07


Forming Community is important to manage and provide the service in Ubiquitous Environments including embedded tiny computers. Community Computing is that members constitute the community and cooperate. A mutual exclusion problem occurs when many processors try to use one resource and race condition happens. In the expanded concept, a group mutual exclusion problem is that processors in the same group can share the resource but processors in different groups cannot share. As mutual exclusion problems might be in community computing environments, we propose algorithm which improves the execution speed using RMS (resource management service). In this paper describes proposed algorithm and proves its performance by experiments, comparing proposed algorithm with previous method using quorum-based algorithm.
