Passive-based Bilateral Controller Design under Varying Time Delay

  • 고영 (전북대학 전자정보공학과) ;
  • 정길도 (전북대학 전자정보공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.05.07


Bilateral teleoperation systems, connected to computer networks such as Internet have to deal with the time delay varying depending on factors such as congestion, bandwidth or distance. And the entire system is easy to become unstable due to irregular time delay. Passivity concept has been using as a framework to solve the stability problem in bilateral control of teleoperation. Acontrol scheme for teleoperation systems with varying time delay is proposed based on a passivity concept is proposed in this paper. One approach makinguse of the characteristic impedances is proposed to achieve a passive control. Since passive control does not mean that the system performance will be acceptable, another transmission scheme which focuses on both the passive feature and the acceptable performance is configured for varying time delay in this paper. The tracking performance has been proved through the computer simulation for varying time delay bilateral teleoperation system using Matlab Simulink.
