A Study on Expressing Renku with 3DCG Animations and its Evaluation

  • Takada, Nobuhiko (Faculty of Fine Arts and Infomatics, Kanazawa Gakuin University)
  • Published : 2009.01.12


Recently Renku (Haikai no Renga) is getting popular as well as Haiku in Japan. It was built up by Basho Matsuo, who was the most famous Haiku poet. It is said that Kyoshi Takahama proposed the name of "Renku" to distinguish it from "Renga" and "Haiku" in 1904. Renku meetings are held like Haiku ones regularly now in each place, and in several universities, they conduct a class exercise of Renku continuously. It is very important for plural persons to work together cooperatively. Poetry, Tanka, Haiku and Renku are usually composed of only letters. It sometimes happens that we add pictures to make them more attractive and to aim at synergy by collaboration (letters and pictures). However, the study to produce 3DCG animations of Renku has not been reported very much. Sowe studied to produce 3DCG animations work based on the rule of Renku and its evaluation.
