국제환경 규제에 따른 산업영향과 정부의 환경정책방안

A study on die Industrial impact and the government countermeasures for international environment regulation

  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


After the Kyoto Protocol has been ratitied in Feb. 16 2005, the developed countries which is involved in Annex-1 have tried to mitigate GHG to the reduction objective. To accomplish this objective, EU developed EU-ETS, CDM project, and so on. Korea has faced pressure to be a member of Annex-1, because Korea and Mexico are only non-Annex-1 countries in the OECD nations. This study is intended to examine unfolding transition on negotiations of Conference of Parties(COP), the Kyoto Mechanism referred as a cost-effective tool to meet a targeted level of greenhouse gas decrease, and trends in responses of developed countries to the Kyoto Protocol, and finally suggests legal and politic counterplans responding to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(hereafter, UNFCCC).
