3차원 사면안정해석법의 유효성 평가

The Evaluation of 3-D Slope Stability Analysis

  • 발행 : 2009.03.27


So far the Limit Equilibrium Method has been widely used by way of 2-D slope stability analysis for the evaluation of land slides and slope failures. However recently the evaluation of 3-D slope stability analysis has been comparatively possible owing to the developments of obtaining the terrain data and geological data and of 3-D slope stability analysis softwares. In Japan the evaluation of the 3-D slope stability analysis has been necessary for the stability analysis of the tunnel mouth. In this study we inspected the economic effects introducing the 3-D slope stability analysis for larger scale landslides and slope failures. In case of 3-D slope stability analysis of landslides we acquired the results that we reduce the cost of the countermeasure work of pile work by 40% comparing the 2-D slope stability analysis. Moreover in case of the stability analysis of slope failures we figured out the results that we reduce the cost of the countermeasure work of anchor works by 20%. Furthermore we proved that 3-D slope stability analysis is effective for the stability analysis of tunnel mouths around the sides of landslides and large scale embankment which we could have not evaluated by conventional 2-D section stability analysis.
