단독운전방지를 위한 AFD 와 RPV 방식의 비교 분석

Analytical comparison of AFD and RPV methods for Anti-Islanding

  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


To detect islanding mode when the grid is being tripped is a major safety issue in the Utility Interactive Distributed Generation (UIDG) system. In this paper, analytical design method is suggested for AFD & RPV method under IEEE929-2000 recommended islanding test condition. We have discussed that there is a same point. we injected reactive component of the current by AFD & RPV methods, but the current reference generated is other waveform. Possible if amount of reactive components in this methods are same each method, there is happened same rates frequency variation. To verify the validity of the analytical comparison, this paper presents simulation and experimental results from single phase, 3[kW] inverter for the transformerless UIDG system.
