협업 필터링을 통한 IPTV 프로그램 자동 추천

Automatic Recommendation of IPTV Programs using Collaborative Filtering

  • 발행 : 2008.06.18


A large amount of efforts are required to search user's preferred contents for the program contents being provided by IPTV services. In this paper, using collaborative filtering, an automatic recommendation method of IPTV program contents is presented by reasoning similar group preferences on IPTV program contents which constitutes personalized IPTV environments. The proposed method models the user's preference of IPTV program contents with the program attributes such as content, genres, channels actor/actress, staffs and calculates it using the watching history of program contents in different genres and watching times. Also, the proposed method considers timely changing user's preference and the preference oon the content itself, which improves the traditional collaborative filtering methods that can not recommend the non-consumed items.
