Extension to ATOM Schema for personalized IPTV Services

개인형 IPTV 서비스를 위한 ATOM 스키마 확장 연구

  • Pyo, Shin-Jee (School of Engineering Information and Communications University) ;
  • Kim, Mun-Churl (School of Engineering Information and Communications University)
  • 표신지 (한국정보통신대학교 공학부) ;
  • 김문철 (한국정보통신대학교 공학부)
  • Published : 2008.06.18


With advent of IPTV services and availability of various web contents, users can enjoy various contents via internet. In order to effectively provide a large amount of web contents to users, personalized IPTV services are required to the user's sides. In this paper, we extend the current ATOM schema for personalized IPTV services and propose a IPTV service framework based on IPTV personalization.
