최신PEEP제어 시스템 개발

Advanced PEEP Controlled system development

  • 발행 : 2008.06.18


The purpose of PEEP is to increased effect reparation in lung. Recently trend of technology is possible to have multi-level or to control freely for variety breathing pattern or breathing mode. Those new technology need some issue like electronic controlled actuator(solenoid), PEEP valve of special structure and control software in micro controller. This paper brief to develop actuator(solenoid) and PEEP valve. This development is to make commercial product of MEKICS.Co.LTD Electronic controlled actuator(Solenoid) is to make force depend on current in linear. And force is convert to pressure in PEEP valve. Major technical issue are how to make the valve with continuous force even dough moving and how to optimize to convert force - pressure.
